BOSU Balance Trainers

BOSU is an acronym for both sides up, meaning both sides of the tool are useful for a wide range of cardio, strength training, balance exercises and more. BOSU balance trainers help patients move better and improve flexibility while regaining stability in the joints.

BOSU Balance Trainers Improve Balance, Strength and Posture

Help patients recover from injury or the havoc to the spine caused too much sitting. BOSU balance trainers are useful tools for improving balance, stabilizing joints, and strengthening the muscles that help the spine stay in proper alignment.

From simply standing on the BOSU Balance Trainer or doing basic crunches, to more challenging moves involving weights, fitness balls or resistance bands, there are a lot of ways your patients can benefit from your expertise and BOSU balance exercises.

Compare the Sport Balance Trainer, the Home Balance Trainer, and the Pro Balance

Comparison Chart Size Weight Capacity Made in the USA Colors Available Commercial Grade
Sport Balance Trainer 22" 250 lbs. X Blue, Pink
Home Balance Trainer 26" 300 lbs. X Blue
Pro Balance Trainer 26" 350 lbs. X Blue X
Bosu Product

Sport Balance Trainer

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Bosu Product

Home Balance Trainer

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Bosu Product

Pro Balance Trainer

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Help Patients and Potential Patients Stand Taller and Feel Better

Boost revenue and attract new patients by offering a posture improvement class using BOSU Balance Trainers. As a spine expert, you can help community members stop slumping and overcome the effects of tech neck by keeping a collection of BOSU balance trainers around.

BOSU Pro Balance Trainers come with a training DVD and a collection of over 300 exercises can be found online. With so many resources at your fingertips, you’ll always be able to find the right exercise for every patient or group.

Bosu Product

Balance Trainer Rack

Store and easily transport up to 14 fully inflated BOSU® Pro Balance Trainers, while conserving valuable floor space at health, fitness and sports conditioning facilities.